We have been so busy lately. Of course Riley has had her busy therapy schedule and Keagan had Science Camp for 3 of the last 5 weeks! That meant she was back at the best preschool in the world from 9-1 Monday thru Thursday doing some really fun things!

We have also squeezed in fun things like go carts, play dates, and doctors appointments! Riley had a really great swallow function study this week that didn't show any aspiration! I was thrilled! We were also able to go to the Abilities Expo yesterday. I came away really wanting a wheelchair accessible car and happy that we got Riley's wobbly handle on her wheelchair fixed. The girls and Kellie came away having fun seeing so many different people of all ages in wheelchairs like Riley and riding the longest escalators ever!

Keagan of course never takes a break from her hilarity! While watching the Olympic divers the other night she looked at those boys in Speedos and said "mom they are wearing diapers!! Ewww!" And today after she had a supper fun trip to time out she told me she wanted a new mom! That one definitely hurt my heart a little bit, but she quickly changed her mind! Maybe that was just the effect from how proud she was after getting herself dressed today.

Her middle name should have been sassy! And yes she...A. Is standing on the table so I can get a good picture of her whole outfit and B. she wore the sequined puppy purse most of the day!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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