
Sunday, August 26, 2012

Last Day of Summer

Tomorrow is the 1st day of school for Miss Riley! Miss Keagan starts next week. We had Riley's meet the teacher last Thursday and it went so great! I love her teachers and within minutes they were down on the floor with her making her laugh! It's really going to be a great year!

My last summer weekend was spent in pain and on some serious drugs. I fainted because of a bursting ovarian cyst. Good times! This sure has been one interesting summer.

These two have been peas in a pod all summer! Keags is obsessed with Kellie! And I think Kellie is a better mom then me!

Miss Riley's fashion sense has kicked into high gear lately. She is very particular and very demanding about what she wants to wear. Don't worry this panties over the pants look didn't leave the house.

My baby and her baby...

She's so sweet and innocent. When she's sleeping.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


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