K: good morning! How are you?
Mom: great! How are you?
K: I'm okay. How are your kids?
Mom: they are good! Especially my Keagan! How about yours?
K: uggg. Not very good! They have been naughty lately!
She cracks me up!! Once I'm shopping she will say things like "ohhh that is very expensive!" and "you might really like this! You can have it!" Such a big girl.
She is also totting around 3 babies these days. She is often telling Riley and I to be quiet because her babies are sleeping. You don't have to ask me twice! The babies names are Toby (from the show Good Luck Charlie), Riley and my personal favorite, Elephant!

I'm sure this little imagination is going to love Halloween being right around the corner. Every year I take finding their costumes very seriously! It's just so much fun! Well their owl costumes arrived yesterday and both girls love them! Riley cried when I had to take off her hat to go to bed! And she wanted it back on first thing this morning!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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