As I went to get Riley out of her car seat at Target, my baby responded to my "hi" with one of her own!
My heart skipped a beat while I second guessed what I had just heard. I couldn't stop my eyes from filling with tears because of the simple miracle that had just occurred! My amazingly persistent almost 4 year old had spoken a word for only the second time in her entire life! The first time being the same word more than a year and a half ago. I was thrilled beyond words!
People ask me all the time how I stay so positive while facing some serious challenges as a single mom of one typical and one special needs daughter. The answer is simple. I count my many blessings and celebrate the little things! Hearing my sweet baby say "hi" may be a little thing from the worlds perspective. But to me it is monumental and it is worthy of a huge celebration! This is a big new step with hopefully many words to follow!

Of course the rest of the day I tried all of my tricks to get a repeat of the miracle. But to no avail. I know we just might all have to work hard for the 3rd, 4th and 5th word too. But eventually I pray those words will come easy. It is my greatest wish for my sweet girl!
There was other points to the day of course. Since Keagan slept at SA's house last night, Riley and I had a quiet morning. We were cuddling while watching Barney when Baby Bops sadness from losing her butterfly sparked a full meltdown from Miss Riley. It was sad and adorable at the same time! She just feels emotions so deeply. Her concern for Baby Bop..

And once Barney cheered Baby Bop up...

Then this afternoon while we were having our carpets cleaned and doing laundry, Riley was more then insistent that Nana put her favorite jammie shirt back on her and that she wore Nanas socks! Evidence of this silly girl..

Both Riley and I missed Keagan all day so we were happy to be reunited! I told Keagan about our little miracle today and she responded with an "awww" and attempted to get her sister to give her a repeat. Again there was no luck. But we did get this...

Without a doubt a wonderful day! Celebration worthy indeed! A simple "hi" never sounded so amazing!
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that is so awesome!!!!!!!!!! Oooh I hope she says it again, and again, and again!!! xoxo