I had bought Riley a floatie last year but she didn't have the trunk control to still keep her head out of the water then. I had totally forgotten about it until today when I thought we would give it another try. And I'm so glad we did! With it she is able to totally swim on her own! It was the most amazing thing! Normally I hold her the whole time in the pool and she fights to get what and where she wants. But tonight she could totally be independent with someone obviously standing right there with her, and she was beyond thrilled! At times her helper was Keagan who was so excited for her sister. She can be Riley's biggest cheerleader!
It made my heart burst to see both of them so happy! Riley was giggling with her new found independence in the water and Keagan made some great progress tonight too! She was practicing hard at her swimming and was doing a fantastic job of swimming all the way under the water to me! I think I'm still beaming tonight after such an eventful swim!

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