But what is seriously even more creepy then that is Keagans talking in her sleep! The girl is crazy. It happens a couple nights a week and always within an hour of going to sleep. She is usually in my bed (I know, I know I'm a horrible mother!) so I get to see all the shenanigans first hand. Lucky me!
Last night I was deep into reading my scriptures when she shot up in bed and loudly exclaimed "wow that is huge!" while pointing to nothing in the air. "That is so big mom! Look at it!" I usually say "Keags go to sleep! Lay down. Go na-night." And that does the trick.
She is often found acting like she is struggling to reach for something, putting something away, or picking something up, all in her sleep. Also, she likes to scold Riley in her sleep. I've heard a "Riley! You stop that right now!" with a good wagging of her finger quite often.
And then there is the creepiest of them all. And the sleep talking that breaks my heart! Every now and then she wakes up in inconsolable tears. She is incoherent as to why she is crying and it takes serious effort to get her to calm down. I actually videoed it once to show my sister, just so I could ask advice. I know, creepy. But it was so hard to watch, my sister couldn't finish the 10 second clip. Thankfully this summer those ones have been few. But the talking has been in high gear. It just cracks me up!
Tonight she was extra tired as Riley woke us up super early this morning, then they went to a cute kid camp all morning and then we swam with Addie this afternoon. So no sleep talking from her side of the bed tonight! But I'm sure by tomorrow I will have some kind of comment or two from my little sleepy girl. Never a dull moment with this one!

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