4. A fun Pintrest project for 4th of July strawberries.
It probably would have been easier without two five year old helpers, but it sure was fun! And they were tasty!

3. Cousin time all afternoon at Sa's house!
Poor Addie got her tonsils out yesterday and wanted the girls to come over and play. That meant 4th of July mani's and pedi's and a fan tent to play in! So fun!

2. An American feast and fireworks with the family!
Hamburgers, hot dogs, salads, watermelon, potato chips, rice crispy treats and brownies. It doesn't get much more American then that! And then we did fireworks even before it got dark, and I learned that all fireworks are not created equal. Apparently when the firework stand advertises "cheapest fireworks guaranteed" they may also be talking about the quality. But we still had a great time lighting them!
I think Riley enjoyed them the most out of all of us, and Keagan the least. She hid behind everyone she could and tried to get her sister to be as scared as she was. It didn't work.

1. Everyone was bathed, scriptures read, prayers said, and in bed asleep by 9 pm! When most firework shows are just starting, my girls were out for the count! This will really pay off tomorrow!
God Bless America!
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