The three of us went to the family musical of "Pippy Longstocking" at Main Street Theater. It was the girls first ever show and they just absolutely loved it! It was very funny and very entertaining, so both girls were engaged and mesmerized for the entire hour and 45 mins! Plus it was in a small theater in the round that only sat about 150-200. And the acting, singing and dancing was really great!
We also loved the fun lunch before hand at Chelsea Grill. And each girl was beaming after the show at the actors free meet and greet. They got everyone to sign their play bills and loved giving Pippy hugs!
Almost the whole way home we laughed and gushed about what we loved about the show. Then at one point Keagan added her own autograph to her play bill and then said "now it's got MY autograph! BOOM!" Gotta love that girl! Gotta love a day like today!

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