I was THAT mom today at Costco who let her kids play on the furniture while we waited for Nana to shop. The girls knew it was a rarity, so they took full advantage!

This morning Keagan asked me for a popsicle for breakfast. When I laughed almost in her face she said "oh so we are gonna do this the hard way?"
Reasons Riley has had a melt down the last two days...her mean mom wouldn't let her play in the toilet water. Her mean mom turned off her night light after she was already awake and the sun was up. Her mean mom wouldn't let her feed her mom her breakfast. Her mean mom wouldn't let her finger paint the tv with her yogurt. Her mean mom made her get in the car to go to Tutti Fruitti. Her mean mom made her get out of the car after Tutti Fruitti. Her mean mom wouldn't let her delete all the apps on her phone.
Ai yi yi! Tantrums in progress...

And finally, when we were at Tutti Fruitti this afternoon trying to have a little special treat and bonding time over our Fro Yo, Keagan says to me "I want to eat my yogurt with my man hands."

Full on crazy train! Wanna ride?!
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