Riley decided to protest her swallow function study today. Can't say I blame her!
This is a picture of her protesting before she even got in the car! She crossed her arms, stomped her feet and tried to give me a stern look! She is the cutest protester I ever did see!!

She also protested during the test. Again, I can't blame her. Who wants to swallow barium?! And after the test, she REALLY protested the chest x-Ray. She used to have those once a week when her heart was bad and those get her every time!

I have to say I did a little bit of my own protesting today. I got in a little bit of a scuffle with the x-ray tech on how she wanted to do things. I actually said "this is my daughter Riley. You are just meeting her. But I am her mom and have known her for almost 6 years. Trust me on this!" The nurse was not too happy but we did it my way. Sometimes you just have to pull the mom card!
After the swallow test, which the results went very well by the way, Riley was cleared to eat! And if you know Riley, you know that girl loves to eat! I'm hoping I forget the stress of the test today, but I know I won't forget her running down the hall towards the cafeteria seriously yelling with joy! She had so many people cracking up and gushing over her! Including me!
Seriously she has got to be the cutest protestor ever!
Oh Emily - what a relief! Such a better result than the time they told you to go straight to the ER! Yeah RIley!!! (And Yeah Mama!!))