Dying eggs of course! Supper fun but a little too stressful for me. Keagan and Addie can be a little intense and Miss Riley was crazy! She gobbeled up a whole spoonful of green dye and wanted to go back for more! The finished project is great though!

Then we did an Easter Story Scavenger Hunt! We went through the Easter story of our Savior and the girls had to go find things that represented each part of the story. Something to represent the palm leaves, the garden, the cross, crown of thorns, empty tomb, etc. They had even more fun then I expected!
And the fun didn't stop there! Apparently it was time to paint! Ai yi yi!! Bring on another mess! But I loved Keagans masterpiece of herself!

And then we finally got out of our jammies to go to Hudson's birthday party! We couldn't miss celebrating with him and we had a great night playing outside until way past our bedtime!
Finally before bed, Keags insisted on putting out carrots for the Easter Bunny. And then she wanted to add one of her hard earned dollars because all that candy he was going to bring her was "probly espensif!" Too cute!

What a fun and busy day!
I sure love all the fun things of Easter but I really hope my efforts are sinking in with the girls on the true meaning of this beautiful time! So thankful to know that true meaning and that He lives!
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