Her ultrasound looked ok, so the kidney structure is fine even though they are smaller then they should be. But her blood work did not look great, which means her kidney function isn't great. Her potassium and creatine are high and her hemoglobin and MCV (or red blood cells) are low. They are all just concerning numbers, not threatening. So it's not an emergency. We see her renal specialist on Tuesday so they want her to redo all the blood work early Tuesday morning and then we will go from there.
Meanwhile Riley has no clue about the bad news, just as it should be. Instead she was playing in Nana's bathroom and got her self situated nicely in Nana's cabinets. And she was awfully proud of herself! She made it look so fun, her sister had to join her! What goofs!

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We have only had to deal with the creatinine levels being high of that long list of Riley's. They told me it was a sign of being dehydrated. So maybe you are right, maybe a gtube is in the future. Seriously, love ours, though. She is happily getting her extra 180 mLs of water as I type. Hang in there Mama. Love to all three of you.