Bannons Gymnastics (where Keagan takes) just started offering a special needs class on Saturday. Riley was so excited! She ended up being the only one in the class today, so she got a private. Miss Amy, the coach is excited to learn how to coach some special kids so Miss McGown from school helped her a lot. How incredibly blessed are we to have Riley's teacher from school love her enough to volunteer to spend extra time with her?! She was such a big help and made it even more fun for Riley! We are so thankful for her! And I'm so thankful that Riley has this fun opportunity! Not to mention that again, I'm so grateful she is able to do it! The miracles and blessings just keep pourin in!
Because the gym was almost empty, Keagan and Addie also got to have some fun. But I think I had the best time of all just watching my girls!

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