Yesterday I helped Riley walk into school as I dragged her wheelchair behind. That is when her teacher Miss McGown happened to mention that maybe she didn't need the wheelchair at all for school! I thought about it all day yesterday and realized she's in a safe place where she doesn't have to quickly walk long distances and in case of an emergency they would just pick her up anyway. So I was excited to give it a shot.
It really is quite remarkable that in just a few short months Riley has gone from doing almost no walking at all, to being the cutest half waddler, half stomper you ever did see. She still needs the chair in many situations and she needs help with transitions getting up from the floor. But I think she is officially a walker! Since two doctors said that would never happen, it is truly amazing and today was the most remarkable part of her story so far!
Today I was overcome with emotion to witness a miracle. I got Riley out of the car, put her backpack on and she walked by herself into school leaving her wheelchair behind! I was so ecstatic and in awe that I didn't even get a picture! But it is a moment I will never forget! I just had to press my face up against the window to watch her walk all the way into her class as tears rolled down my face. Those were the tears of pure joy representing all the therapy hours, all the practice at home, all the thousands of prayers said on her behalf and all the determination and drive in that little 28 pound body!
I'm so thankful that Riley is such a fighter and that she works so hard with a smile on her face! I'm so thankful for all the many people on her team who have played a roll in getting us to this point! And I'm so thankful that God is so good and that He continues to pour out His blessings upon us! The best part is I know this is just the beginning!
At least a got a good video of her walking after school...
And then we had a good little Fro-Yo celebration at Tutti Frutti after school! How cute is my little hero?!

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