We went to visit Pakkas (my dad's) grave. Something I don't often do because six years later it is still SO hard.
But today I talked to the girls about how much Pakka loves us, how hard he worked for us, how funny he is and how much he misses us. We talked like we often do, about where Pakka is, that he brought them to me and that he is waiting for us when it is our turn to go to heaven.
Most importantly I told the girls how thankful I am that FAMILIES ARE FOREVER! I explained that our loving Heavenly Father created a way for us to live together as a family for eternity. How thankful I am for the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, for the power of the priesthood and for Temples here on this earth that make that possible!
Oh how much I miss my incredible dad! As he would say, I miss him with "every fiber of my being." But I have no doubt that I will see him again! How unbelievably thankful I am that I have the opportunity to live with him again, the rest of my family, and these two precious girls!

Oh and PS...I just know my crazy dad has fire ants all over his grave just so we won't stay there too long and wallow in our sadness! Sounds just like him! It's like he is there saying "leave and go spoil my grand kids!"
That was our lesson in Primary yesterday. It's so nice to have the temple so close, so all these little kids know what the Temple is and have seen it many times :). It was fun to read this on your blog :)