The girls have been up at the school several times in the last three weeks with me for visits, family lunches, etcetera. They are just as excited as I am! Their excitement skyrocketed after Meet the Teacher on Thursday night. I can't even believe that Riley is getting Mrs Merillat and Mrs Brown as her teachers! They are way over qualified and have the most incredible lesson plans ready for my girl! I have cried twice just hearing from them all that Riley has in store this year! It is going to be amazing! Keagan also has an incredible teacher in Mrs Yancey, and her switch teacher Mrs Noble! They are both amazing so 2nd grade is going to be a fantastic year for all three of us! 

We have lots of loving familiar faces from Brill!
The Motor Lab for Riley's class is amazing!

Each classroom has great technology and innovative furniture, plus each grade has an awesome collaborative space!

Such amazing teachers!

So all week while I was at work, Kellie was in charge. She got the girls to VBS (vacation bible school) in the Ginn's Ward in the Woodlands! The theme was Joseph in Egypt and playing, learning, signing and worshipping with cousins is the absolute best!!

Gramas also helped with the girls, came to swim lessons and brought the girls to Meet the Teacher! So thankful for her!
Yesterday they had their last day of swim lessons for the summer session and they are begging for more! Mommy is willing but the bank account states otherwise! Riley will miss Mr Cody so much! And Keagan said she would rather swim then do dance this year! Not sure what aim going to do about that one!
Both girls did amazing in swimming! Keagan was working to earn her White Fin ribbon but she did so well that she earned both her white and her blue fin ribbons! She is a rockstar! Riley also worked really hard and came a long way! Mr Cody wrote the sweetest note on her progress report!
Today we said goodbye to summer by totally cleaning and organizing the playroom, getting all the new school clothes clean and put away, and then a good old fashioned water balloon fight and sprinklers! Apparently we need goggles for that.
We are a little sad to see summer 2016 go, but we are more excited to get this school year going! It's impossible not to be excited for Mahaffey! We are already proud Scotties and very glad to be plaid!
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