There is no one on this planet like my precious Riley. Oh my Riley bug sure is one of a kind!
Like I said, there is no questioning that but I also have back up! Her neurologist Dr Clark, who just happens to be the head of neurology at TCH, which is one of the best in the country, confirmed that this week. He didn't have to tell me, but his words were she is "a beautiful one of a kind!" I couldn't agree more Dr Clark!
But she's not always delightful and happy like that amazing smile portrays. Oh the whining, tantrums and demands this summer! Ai yi yi! And she has definitely increased in her efforts to clobber and cuddle her sister! Unfortunately Keags isn't a huge fan of the drool, but luckily she's still a big fan of Riley most days! 

Last night was extra rough for Miss Riley. After a fun night at Miss Taryns watching the Olympic Opening Ceremonies, there was no question Riley was going to be sleeping with a death grip on the small American flag Miss Taryn gave her. She had seriously been waving it all night which confirmed my love of the Olympics was obviously passed down. The only problem was she woke up way too many times in pure panic and tears because she had lost her flag in the blankets! Good glory that was fun.
Thank heavens tonight she has forgotten about the flag! Instead she is sleeping in her ballet shoes and her new soccer shin gaurds! I'm thinking besides being a totally crazy baby like that, she is making a statement! She is saying "what disabilities?!"
The ballet shoes and shin gaurds show nothing can hold this girl back from following her dreams! There is no cerebral palsy, no PMG, no congenital heart defect, no special need, no disability, no wheelchair big enough to hold her back! This girl is a rockstar! A one of a kind rockstar! A one of a kind, crazy, hilarious, gorgeous, demanding, smart, funny, loving, inspiring rockstar that I love with all my heart and soul!
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