Big news at our house this week! And in most houses I'm sure it's just a regular Thursday. But for the first time ever, we went to the playground and Riley was able to play and navigate the playground while I mostly chatted with other moms! It was really so exciting for both of us!
Keagans big news this week was all about the 1st Grade love scene! I had lunch with her on Thursday and got the whole run down on who likes who. Who knew this all started this early?!
Riley is rocking her new speech therapy goal learning to use picture communication called PECS! Today she requested Oreos all on her own, so you better believe Oreos she got!
The biggest news at our house is that Elmer is back! We love that Elf on the Shelf!
We are all decorated and ready for Christmas. My favorite Christmas decoration by far is the Little People Nativity. The girls love playing with it and it makes me so happy! Of course Keagan set them all up to dance together! Why wouldn't the wise men, Mary and Joseph want to celebrate by gettin down?
Saturday we had Breakfast with Santa for a PTO fundraiser. Keagan had a ball and a very tense Riley watched Santa's every move and wouldn't let him come any where near her!
Afterward we brought the darling Sofia from Keagans class home for a fun play date!
Today I was trying to get in some of those holiday "to do," memory making tasks. First project was gingerbread houses! Not such an easy deal, especially when Miss Riley insists on holding and squeezing the icing herself! But it was fun and I managed to not stress too much about the crazy mess! And I was pretty impressed with Keagans decorating and my own icicles she requested. 

Of course these giggly girls got carried away with the icing! By the end Riley was covered and they both went straight to the bath!
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