I saw it after I woke Riley up at 7:30 because her sister had been nicely waiting and let us all sleep since 6:45. Unfortunately while Keags waited she played on my phone and saw the pictures I took after Santa had been here last night!
On a funny side note, that Santa sure is silly every year when he comes to our house! Once he gets everything out of his sleigh that he has been collecting since August, he always realizes he just has too much stuff for two little girls. So every year he ends up donating some stuff to the Easter Bunny!

I saw that magic of Christmas again when the girls anxiously waited on the stairs to see if Santa came. My greatest gift today was their excitement and Keagan's hugs and kisses for her sister and the sweetest whispers of "Merry Christmas Riley!" I also LOVED my homemade ornaments the girls gave me. They did so after they had opened a few gifts and I saw the worry for me cross Keagan's face. They still had lots to open but they paused to really make sure I had something and was happy! Best Christmas gifts ever! 

I also saw the magic of Christmas in their eyes as they opened gifts and were sincerely thankful for each one! The big ones came from Santa; a knock off American Girl diner, car and wheelchair set! Keagan knew Riley really wanted the wheelchair and it's the first thing Keagan ran to so she could show Riley! From me they loved their Lego sets, first maxi skirts that Keagan's been begging for and new umbrellas. They loved their mermaid tail blankets from Grandma Debbie and their chop sticks, books and things from their Dad. 

After our yummy, traditional Pakka breakfast at Sa's house, I saw the magic in their eyes again as they had a ball playing with their gifts! Keags was maticulous about setting up her diner with it's many darling little pieces and features and Riley is obsessed with the doll wheelchair and brought it everywhere with her today! We also took over an hour to build one of the Lego sets and of course it was Elsa's castle! 

I saw the magic again when we visited Gamas. The girls had a blast playing there, cuddling with her and redecorating her living room while Keags sang all the wrong words of lullabies to a "tired" Riley. And also when we went to Miss Taryn's where she gifted them the most gorgeous Elsa and Anna outfits for their AG dolls, a mop for their dolls that Keags has been hounding Miss Taryn about for days and me a calendar with prescheduled babysitting days! Fantastic gifts! 

After dinner we drove around and looked at lights for the 100th time this season but that magic in their eyes was still there! And it stayed there while they played with their toys until they couldn't put off bed time any longer and Christmas Day came to a close.
How truly blessed we are! I was so blessed to see the magic of Christmas so many times today and hope it lingers with us. It reminds me that we are so blessed with abundance, in so many ways! We are so blessed to have each other! And blessed that so long ago an angel declared "For unto you is born this day...which is Christ the Lord." For that is the true magic of Christmas! And I hope and pray it stays with us all year long!
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