It's by choice that I am happy. There is a serious amount of things in my life that I could choose to focus on that could really make me unhappy. But, instead I pick happiness. It's not always easy and I have bad days and moments ALL the time. But overall I am very happy. And this is how...
I strongly believe a grateful heart is a happy heart! A grateful person is a happy person! I have learned to live this principle with the help of The Lord, and it has dramatically helped improve my life. Keagan and Riley please count your blessings! I have lots to count and I count each of you twice!
Celebrate the little things! Yesterday I did three loads of laundry and all the socks had matching pairs! That made my whole day. Seriously! It's the little things! Don't wait for big things to celebrate.
Things don't make you happy! Don't waste your time trying to fill voids with things. It's everything that you can't buy that will bring you joy! Relationships, experiences, memories, hugs and kisses, laughter, learning something new, good conversations, peace from The Lord. Spend your time seeking those things!
And with every part of me, I know this to be true, so please listen. If you follow The Lord and do His will, you will be happy. It won't mean your life will be easy, but it will be happy. And you will definitely make mistakes but that is what our Savior is for. Repent and rely on The Lord. I know it will bring you joy!
Oh How I love you! And oh how I hope you will be happy!

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Emily, You are such an inspiration! Love you are your sweet girls dearly!