Oh this girl knows how to push my buttons! She is so strong willed, loves to be in control and has two cents to put in about everything. Which really means she is determined, knows what she wants and is observant and smart! So it's great stuff, it is. But it sure can be hard to parent some days! Today was one of those days!
And then I'm at the school and one of the secretaries stops me to tell me how impressed she is with Miss Keagan. Apparently at lunch today some girls were being mean to another girl in their class and wouldn't let her sit by them. This secretary saw Keagan go over and get the girl who has a hard time in class and say "you can sit by me!"
And then my heart melts. You have no idea how proud this made me!
When we talked about it after school she told me "that's what Jesus would do." And man is she right! How lucky am I to have a daughter as such a wonderful example?!
With all my impatience and struggle with Keagan some days, I am still in awe of this incredible little girl! She is helpful, smart, totally hilarious and makes me think. She is wise beyond her years and has so much to show this world! I'm truly blessed to be her mom! Buttons pushed and all!

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I LOVE that girl! Who knew SO much personality could be contained in one little body - which can be said about both of your beautiful daughters!