Since it's cold and rainy we cuddled up in our jammies and watched movies. Then we enjoyed football, friends (they are much more like family) and fun at the Dibbles. And dinner with the Fosters where Keagan finally got to make her "big hooja sanwhich"

Somewhere in between there we sat down to write out our goals for 2015. We had talked about goals for Family Home Evening on Monday and I was really proud of Keagan for thinking about and coming up with her own goals!

Our Family goals are patience! Patience! Patience! And to read the scriptures every night. My goals are more water, a lot less coke. Less crap, more veggies. No yelling and attend the Temple 15 times. Keagan's goals, which she came up with are to finish learning how to read and count to 100, and no arguing! Riley's goals are to learn her colors and how to jump! I think those are all really good goals and totally reachable. I can't wait.
And finally I LOVED these thoughts on a new year from Elder Jeffrey R Holland that I found today...
"So, as a new year starts and we try to benefit from a proper view of what has gone before, I plead with you not to dwell on days now gone, nor to yearn vainly for yesterdays, however good those yesterdays may have been. The past is to be learned from but not lived in. We look back to claim the embers from glowing experiences but not the ashes. And when we have learned what we need to learn and have brought with us the best that we have experienced, then we look ahead, we remember that faith is always pointed toward the future. Faith always has to do with blessings and truths and events that will yet be efficacious in our lives....Dismiss the destructive and keep dismissing it until the beauty of the Atonement of Christ has revealed to you your bright future and the bright future of your family and your friends and your neighbors. God doesn’t care nearly as much about where you have been as He does about where you are and, with His help, where you are willing to go. "
Happy New Year! Can't wait to see what 2015 has in store!
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