First up was taking Keagan to get her new dance stuff. She has decided to switch from gymnastics to dance, so we needed the gear. She was so cute trying on shoes and was very specific about her black leotard. She didn't want any rhinestones, lace, extra straps, etcetera and wanted to try them all on. Once we were in the dressing room she proceeded to leap and turn while wearing the three different ones she had picked out. She settled on the one that she could "dance the best in!" It was seriously precious! Having danced my whole life and gotten so much out of it, I'm secretly hoping she really loves this!
Then Riley and I went to a birthday party together! It was the cutest Toy Story party for her sweet friend Noah from school. And it's a plus that I love his mom, we went to high school together. We had a great time! Riley made herself right at home, had way too many chips, devoured a cupcake and greeted all of guests in true Riley fashion.
I guess a little time apart did these girls some good cause they were just as sweet as could be at bed time! They laid together, giggled, cuddled, kissed and did the hug a mugga (rub noses)! Seriously it doesn't get much more heart bursting then this!

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