A fantastic morning at the Temple.
Lunch with Taryn and Melissa Hecker at Outback to take a trip down memory lane.
The sun is finally out again so we played outside after school. Riley seriously pedaled her tricycle a couple of times! We have been trying to get her to do that in PT for like 3 years! That's huge and so exciting!!

Oh and her sister played on her harmonica while she rode around with her two babies in tow. Hilarious!

Dinner with Fosters of course.
Riley got herself locked in the bathroom at Miss Taryns house all by herself! It took us like 15 minutes, a prayer and the rockstar Miss Taryn totally removing the handle off the door to get her out!

I got my Christmas gift to myself in the mail! So exciting! It's my blog printed for 2013 and 2014! PS I also bought myself new flip flops and a pink Swiss Army Knife key chain. And I wonder where Keags gets her weirdness!

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