Well I have such exciting news!! June Mittelstaedt is an incredibly generous family friend who is also an occupational therapist. She had a patient who had an extra JennSwing, which is this awesome special needs equipment swing that I could really only dream of buying for Riley because it is way too expensive!
And June DONATED it to US!!
I am so overwhelmed by the generosity and feel SO incredibly blessed! Now Riley will be able to swing for many, many more years!! This is such a huge blessing for us!

She really loves the new swing and was seriously in it for over an hour this afternoon! I didn't know your arm could get tired from pushing a swing! And Miss Keagan loves it too but Riley barely let her have a chance in it! I have a feeling that is going to be a problem for many years to come! And since both girls will be able to swing side by side for many years, that will be a great problem to have!
For the millionth time, we are so blessed!
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