It was a day spent at home hiding from the torrential morning and afternoon rain by changing our American Girl dolls outfits 78 times and making cake balls in our new Easy Bake Oven that Miss Taryn passed down to the girls for their birthday! Super girly right? 

But obviously the main event was tonight, and thank heavens the weather cleared up for us! The girls went the girly route of course and decided to wear last years costumes again because who doesn't love a Disney Princess?! I obviously do because I actually took a picture with my girks for once! Notice the red lipstick and Halloween make up.
We went to the darling Riesbergers with the McArthurs and the Roberts for such a fun night! Keagan was serious about trick or treating this year and was usually the first one to each door and then off running to the next house! Unfortunately that meant she fell once, took a chunk out of her big toe and had a little bloody issue. But she was tough and had no tears! That great Brother McArthur carried her for a little bit and then she rode in sweet Betty's wagon. Riley was very excited to trick or treat but tired early. She was happy in her stroller and Keagan or sweet Maddie McArthur would get her a piece of candy at the doors I couldn't or just didn't get to. Keagan was so sweet in making sure Riley was getting enough candy!
After our cute bunch collected a good amount and was tired out, we went back to the Riesbergers. The kids all played so nicely and Miss Nikki had made the yummiest cookies and hot chocolate and got the cutest cookie cake. Happy kids and chatting with good friends was a fantastic end to the night! When we got in the car Keagan said "that was SO fun!" I couldn't agree more! The best Halloween in years!