This is where I let you into more of my crazy. Are you ready?
Monday is the day that I get totally organized for the week. And I get a serious amount of crap done on Mondays! That means I check a lot of things off my to do list, and I love those little checks. One of those little checks today was organizing the bows. I got an embarrassing amount of satisfaction from doing this, and then I realized I have a serious problem with buying bows!

Just like these ridiculously perfectly color coordinated bows, the house finally gets totally cleaned up from all the fun of the weekend on Mondays, my apparent OCD is soothed and we return to our regular schedule. Mondays are great!
But the real reason I love Mondays is this. I get glimpses of joy with each of my girls that make my heart want to burst each Monday!
When I pick up Riley early from school on Mondays, and she comes tottering down the hall, it's one of the greatest moments of my week. There is a second that she spots me at the end of the hall and she immediately gets SO excited to see me that she starts to giggle and run down the hall in a Riley way with her stomping feet and swinging arm. There is so much joy in our reunion after 7 hours apart, that it fills my whole body. What a treasure!

Then, after I take her to therapy, I go back to pick up Keagan from school. Once we've survived the carpool line, it is just me and her for the next two hours. We go sit in the lobby of Riley's therapy center to do her weekly homework together. But we also chat about all kinds of things and our conversations usually leave me feeling very amused and grateful. Her latest questions were "If we eat the inside of the chicken then does his skin go to heaven? Because you said our insides will go to heaven and our body stays here." That was a tough one to answer! And then today was "How do you learn how to be a good mom?" Good question sister! I'm still wondering that myself!
I really cherish this time with her! It's priceless!

The funny thing is, my girls love the Mondays too! They love going back to school and probably having some time away from their crazy bow coordinating mom. They are happy to see their friends and get back on their routine.
So basically I'm not the only weirdo at my house! I know it may sound crazy, but as for me and my house, we will love the Mondays!
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