For the a Kikuchi girls our FHEs usually consist of a rousing rendition of "Book of Mormon Stories" and/or "The Wise Man," a quick lesson that the girls don't really listen to and then a longer game or activity. We wrap it up with our nightly routine of scriptures and prayer. We only read 5 verses of scripture a night so I'm hoping by the time the girls go to college we have completed the Book of Mormon together.
Tonight I had what I thought was a really great lesson about why we celebrate Easter. I was excited about it and had lofty goals of teaching the girls these powerful gospel principles. Instead of listening, the girls fought over my lap by pushing each other back and forth. Then Keagan would interrupt me to ask questions that had nothing to do with what I was talking about, or Easter at all. Boy was I dreaming!
After I was finished Keagan announced she had planned the activity. She then proceeded to set up an elaborate Easter egg hunt and had very specific instructions for Riley. My favorite part was that she "found" half the eggs that she had hidden!
But at the end she handed Riley an egg and said "see Riley! The egg is like Jesus's empty tomb." My jaw about hit the floor! Are they really listening? Is a fraction of what I'm trying to do here actually working?
Needless to say, I have a new found commitment to my efforts! But next time I'll know to lead with the egg hunt! It was the best one yet as I've never gotten a bigger prize!

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