I've hit my limit of barfing, bathroom trips, tears, a million loads of laundry, carpet scrubs, medicine dispensing and tummies aching! This is day 5 of a NASTY stomach bug and I've just about had it. Cabin fever is setting in big time as we have quarantined ourselves, and we have already missed some of our super fun Spring Break plans! And that's not even mentioning that my poor babies are seriously miserable! I hate it!
It's a tricky little virus that keeps making us think it's gone, but then it rears back up again to destroy everything in it's path! Keags threw up all Tuesday night and Wednesday. I threw up all Thursday. Riley threw up all Friday night. And both girls started throwing up again today! When it all hit again today I didn't know wether to laugh or cry! If we do this all again tomorrow and have to miss out on the Rodeo on Tuesday then I will definitely cry! My poor babies!!

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Terrible, terrible!! I didn't realize y'all were still sick until you didn't make it to church today. I'm so sorry!!