Keagan is still massively allergic to red dye! Massively! And the raging tantrum last night on the school playground was definitely proof. Who knew amoxicillin has red dye? I should have!
Today I had my annual meeting with the Mental Health and Mental Retardation Association of the State of Texas. Pure hell! And have I ever mentioned how much I HATE that R word?! But I hate that meeting even more! I had to prove that Riley is still intellectually disabled and that I am still poor. I would have much rathered a clown gave me a root canal with no drugs in a confined space!
And then this afternoon I literally drug myself away from my bed that so desperately wanted me to take a nap, to the best place on earth! And as a reward The Lord proved to me there is nothing like the peace that His love provides!
I hope I can prove I'm thankful!

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