The morning started with a doctors appointment for Riley at the best doctors office ever! And it's her Orthopedist so not too many germs all over the awesome toys!

Then onto the mall for their standard favorite of the carousel rides, dippin dots, up and down the escalator and the pet store! What more could a girl ask for? Today we also threw in playing at the Lego store. They were in heaven!

Then Riley had therapy and Keagan went to play at our amazing friends the McArthurs! That means momma got a break! Then it was onto dinner with all our Houston cousins and Nana!

And finally a trip to Gamas and Coach's house for pure entertainment! And a sleepover with Kellie. Another fun and tiring day! Day 3 complete.
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Much better than being sick !! You are such a wonderful mom !!! :) Hugs, Mrs. T>