Last night before bed Keagan was all smiles!

But by 11pm her smile had definitely changed when she woke me up in tears because of a stomach ache. Within no time it was really clear she had a violent case of the stomach flu! A fever, violent barfies and lots of trips to the bathroom left her crying in pain. At one point when she laid on the bathroom floor with tears streaming down her face at 3 am, I was teary too because I felt so bad for her!
To add insult to injury, she missed class picture day at school today! We went to the doctor and rested a lot instead. She is doing much better tonight so hopefully one more day of rest tomorrow will do the trick. And I'm SERIOUSLY praying no body else gets it!

Then Miss Riley's smile definitely changed tonight! She has had two bottom middle teeth that have been very loose for a while. I have been so worried that she would swallow and choke on them so I have had everyone on teeth watch! Tonight one of them was hanging on by a thread and I was finally able to quickly yank it out. Both girls cried because of the blood, but then they were very excited! They were excited to leave the itty bitty tooth for the tooth fairy! Especially when they remembered they could use the tooth fairy pillow that I did when I was little. Now it's time to see if the fairy actually comes!

I'm still shocked that Riley actually hit some kind of milestone before Keagan. And shocked that I did almost 753 loads of laundry today from that stomach bug! Poor Keagan heard me say she had the stomach bug so she thought she had literally swallowed a bug! Don't worry, we got that one sorted out. But now we are just hoping a good nice sleep bring lots of smiles tomorrow morning! We shall see.
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Oh my goodness! I totally remember that tooth fairy pillow! So cute!