From there we went to Star Pizza which we all loved for lunch. Riley loved the variety of pizzas she could try from the buffet, I loved sitting on the patio in the gorgeous weather and Keagan loved chasing the unusually plush and pretentious kitty cat. And slurping her noodles of course!

Then it was on to the Houston Children's Museum for almost four hours of fun! Both girls loved all the interesting things to explore! It made it hard that half of the city was there for Spring break, but we still had a really great time. I loved seeing each of their excitement and concentration on all the different activities!

Working together pulley game


We built the arch!

Keags would build and Rys would make the earthquakes. Sounds about right.

Digging for fossils

Doing a puppet show!

Waterway fun

Shopping in the grocery store and then working as cashiers! Love that last pic!

She worked hard for that money and then got to deposit it at the bank!

Making sea turtle hats!

So fun! But four hours later...

We were all beat! After dinner at Sa's house, Riley was exhausted and Keagan finally got to do some crafts she's been begging for days for while I did chores!

Now we are truly wiped! That was one jam packed, but very fun day!
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