This morning Keags was registered for a mini camp at Bannons, her gymnastics gym. Even though it was already paid for, our plans suddenly changed.
I was saying my morning prayers when I got a horrible feeling about her going to the camp. And then the thought popped into my head that it's teenagers who are running the camps, no parents are there watching like a usual class and anyone could take her to the bathroom. And I know that wasn't my own thought. It was a message from the Holy Ghost.
So needless to say she did not go. I unfortunately often second guess what The Holy Ghost is trying to tell me so I'm thankful The Lord is so patient with me! But I'm more thankful that The Lord loves and guides me as the best partner I can have as a parent!!
So we ended up having a quiet morning at home. Riley played, Keagan made foam necklaces for all the Foster girls and I caught up on cleaning and laundry. It ended up being just what the doctor ordered!
This afternoon Keagan went to Sa's house while I took Riley to her much dreaded dentist appointment at TCH. I'm thankful we see a special needs dentist because they are used to tough cases like ours. Riley looks little but she is big in spirit and puts up a serious fight! It took three of us to pin her down for the dental exam. She was kickin and screamin like crazy! Without fail everyone is always so surprised that she is stronger then she looks! And I always tell them it is very true and that's why she has come so far! It just breaks my heart to put her through that but I remind myself it has to be done for her own good. That doesn't make it any easier though!!

The exam showed she has two cavities. That means the first week of May she will have to go under general anesthesia for them to be able to fill those. Past experiences tell me she does not respond well to anesthesia. But I'm really hoping she's grown out of that some! We will soon find out.
Tomorrow it's back to some more Spring Break fun. After a down day, we are ready for it!
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