But then that night, in response to my blog post about Riley, Keagan's other teacher Miss Leah sent me the most complimentary message about my darling Keags that just blew me away! She wrote...
"Hi Emily! I just want to tell you how impressed I am by Keagan. She is truly an amazing kid! I know y'all do not have the easiest of circumstances (to say the least!), and she could deservedly be "needy" or "bratty" because of it, but she is TOTALLY the opposite. I enjoy her so much. She is always the first to help in our class and probably the most responsible ... I imagine we could leave her in charge and they would do fine! Haha!! We just love her....I just wanted you to know you should be so proud of her .. and of yourself!! 😊 Take care!! ❤ Leah"
Wow! Besides feeling so blessed that Keagan has these two incredible teachers at school, I am so blessed to have this amazing 4 year old in my life! Keags, like all 4 year olds, has her moments. She can be stubborn and sassy with a flair for the dramatics. But she is an amazing little girl who is kind, thoughtful, funny and smart! How did I get so lucky to be her mom?
My kids truly teach me more then I teach them! Nightly I thank the Lord for entrusting me with these two amazing little girls! And it's even more wonderful to hear she is blessing other people's lives as well!
At dinner tonight with her raspberries

She's gettin good at that colorin! Must be the great teachers!

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