Both girls have needed haircuts for quite some time. And unfortunately neither of them will even step foot in a Super Cuts or the cute Sweet & Sassy Salon, out of fear. So in the past I've always enlisted a full team of distractors while I cut wiggly Riley's hair and a team of cheerleaders to cut protesting Keag's hair. But for some ridiculous reason when I brought Riley home from school on Wednesday, I decided to just throw both girls in the tub and cut their hair...BY MYSELF!!
Not my best idea!
After I snuck in the first cut of Riley's hair, pure chaos insued! Riley was terrified of the big shinny scissors and did all she could to stay as far away from them as possible. I then tried to show Riley that Keagan was brave and that a little trim didn't hurt. But I under estimated Keagan's drama factor once again and she melted in tears saying "I want Sammie's hair! I want Sammie's hair!" which is my neice with very long hair. After a full 30 mins of craziness, hair covered the bathtub, more water was splashed out of the bath tub then in, I was soaking wet and sweaty, Keagan was in tears and I had poor Riley pinned between my legs as I tried to get her not to jerk her head with each cut. A hot mess that I am grateful no one else was there to witness!
Keags cut is decent but Ri Ri's is too short and a little jagged. Paul Mitchell would be horrified but thankfully my two girls are so stinkin cute that they can rock any of mommies disasters!

Okay it looks a LITTLE better in person and I've cleaned it up a little since then! But YIKES!

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