Its still chilly outside so today was full of cuddles. But thankfully the sun did come out for the first time this week. And that made for a beautiful Sunday.
This morning we painted and cuddled up to watch a movie. Miss Riley tried her best to vote for Cinderella, but since we have watched it for her 732 times, just in the last week, Smurfs it was.

Apparently this was a mommy with blue hair holding her baby with pink hair. She has such an abstract perspective! I'm so impressed!

Because it's a new year we changed to a 1pm-4pm church schedule and the girls moved from the Sunbeam to the CTR 4 class. Riley got the chance to say the prayer for the Junior Primary today and loved standing at the microphone with me as I spoke for her. And Keagan read a scripture. We picked something from "The Family: A Proclamation to The World" as it went with this months theme. She was so cute saying it! Then she happened to be the spot light child of the day! It was so fun to see her stand before everyone trying to hide her huge smile and pride!
Last night the girls and I had a memorable little experience in the car. If you know me at all, you know I love cheesy things. So I was all about Keagan's supper cheesy, 4 year old idea. Somehow while driving home I ended up with my left hand on the steering wheel and my right hand in the back seat holding BOTH of the girls hands together. Then Keags suggests we do one of those end of game rally cries that basketball teams do. You know, the "1...2....3....team" chants as your hands bounce together and then break out. But our chant went "1.....2.....3.....family!!" And then "1.....2.....3.....Kikuchi girls!!" We probably did it 15 times and the girls LOVED it! Riley was yelling too and we all had a cheesy, fun, memory makin moment! One that puts a smile on my face just typing about it.
I am so blessed to be a member of this little family of three! What we lack in numbers, we make up for in heart!!
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1..2..3..Sa is the greatest!