This is what happens when Riley helps me fold the laundry. The girl gets demanding! She has on a shirt, a jacket, a sweater, pants, a Snow White skirt and three pairs of socks!

This is what happens when she's on her horsey. It's head is soaking wet from all the kisses! And seriously how much do you LOVE the onsie, footie fleece jammies?

And this is what happens in close quarters with her sister. She's either trying to kiss her or hit her! And honestly I think Keagan would prefer the hits! I caught her in the act on this one.

I'm actually kinda concerned that she's bored just here at home with us. I was under the impression that I am supper entertaining! I know Keagan is! I'm not sure what could possibly be missing. Keagan thrives with some down time but Riley is so used to being supper busy with therapy and school. I really just think her schedule has been so thrown off and she is a little girl who likes routine, like her momma. Next week we will get back on our regular schedule and we will have to see how feisty she is then. Until then I better step up the entertainment around here and Keagan better watch her back!
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