Keagan has been a puppy for days. I am always asking her for kisses because she gives them out sparingly. But she gives out puppy kisses more generously. Too bad they are just slobbery, wet licks!
Riley had a tantrum at school the other day. Apparently her friend wouldn't let her snatch away a toy. Miss Krammer had to cuddle her for 15 minutes.
Several days ago Keags said she wanted to take me out for a date, in her car, while Riley was at school! Man am I lucky! Best date I've ever had!

Then after school today it was so beautiful, after 2 days of rain, that we played outside for almost 2 hours! .....The girls fighting, shocking!

She had to fix something under the hood. She looked like this and would say "hammer!" "Wrench!" "Screwdriver!"

Best action shot!

After school one day Riley layed on the kitchen floor and made snow angels for 10 minutes! And yes she was still wearing her coat. It's a battle to get her to let you take that thing off!

Keags talks in her sleep, ALOT! The other night she kept saying "I don't have enough stuff! I need more stuff in here! I don't have enough!" Great! She's even hoarding in her dreams now too!

Last night Gama Linda came over and Keagan was doing a whole lot of "sassy dancing" and shakin her booty. I think Gamas was just a little concerned where she's learning this stuff! That's another good question!
When Gamas was saying goodbye, Riley looked at me and waved goodbye as if she was going home with her. Can you blame her? Some days I want to escape this place too!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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