Santa came for the girls and they were so thrilled! And presents also came from me, their daddy, the Fosters, Nana, Auntie Kim and Tyson, both sets of Ginns, Grandma Linda and Grandma Debbie. We are so blessed!
Keags asked Santa for a bike and Slushie Magic. She got that and a helmet, a camera, a waitress outfit, Minnie Mouse Bowtique, a Bouncy Puppy, a Christmas train, an activity box, stompies slippers, new shoes and two full stockings! Riley got a talking rocking horse, Doc McStuffins doctor kit, Minnie Mouse Bowtique, a cash register, tons of crazy socks, bath toys, a Christmas train, stompies slippers, new shoes and two full stockings! Abundantly blessed! I tried so hard not to over do it this year but the girls are just loved by so many people!
I also got things I really was not expecting. One was a very special gift from Santa! And by Santa I mean Nana. And by special gift I mean the iPhone 5! I was beyond shocked and so excited! Add to that a Christmas nap, and I'm one happy girl!
When the girls walked in the family room this morning they were so full of magic! Keagan saw her bike and the baby seat on the back and said "mom there's even a seat for Riley!" She loves her bike so much that we had to take it to the Fosters house when we went there for our traditional Pakka breakfast. Riley is thrilled with her horse and is good at rocking on it! And just like last year, Riley has had to "share" some of her things with Keagan. I'm definitely thinkin Santa should have brought two doctors kits since that was a little bit of a battle. But they had a great time playing all day together and with their cousins of course!
Another Christmas for the Kikuchi Girls history books! One to be very thankful for!

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