I spent all morning on a celebratory high. My baby was taking steps! She was fighting against her challenges, proving doctors wrong and showing her incredible strength! I was beaming with pride and excitement. And then last night the car on this ride came down that hill!
Riley and I spent all night in the Emergency Room. Riley had both a small cold which causes her asthma to act up AND the stomach bug. All hitting at the same time of course. Which lowered her amazing seizure fighting abilities. In the car of all places, she had the biggest scariest seizure she has ever had. She normally has focalized seizures but this was a big, nasty grand mal. And this mommy was terrified! I pulled into the Hooks Airport parking lot to hold my baby and watch to see if I needed to do CPR. All while keeping Keagan distracted looking at the ducks out the window so she wasn't as terrified as I was!
Hearing the full story Dr Reed sent us to the ER to just check if everything was ok. What followed was an interesting night of lots of throwing up by my poor baby, amazing people watching, two IV sticks, good medical care with good drugs for my Riley. Miss Taryn also joined us to help and provide moral support. She was a fabulous secretary and second set of hands!
I went to sleep at 1am after a long night that had followed several sleepless nights, being very thankful. Thankful we were in our own beds. Thankful for medications. Thankful for all the people around us who love and support us. Thankful our ER visits, although still too frequent aren't as often as they once were. And very thankful that Nana offered to take my morning mommy shift this morning and let me sleep til 9:30!

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I donno, Emily. I can't express enough gratitude, that there actually exists a woman like you, who makes me feel like I can do anything. You are my hero. And your daughters are nothing short of angels.