Speaking of the spirit of Christmas, we are so blessed to have had a secret Santa this year! They are doing the 12 days of Christmas for us and have surprised us with the most incredible things! We have all loved the excitement of this special Christmas blessing and have felt so loved!
Unfortunately, but not surprisingly, I didn't get a great picture of Christmas dresses this year. Riley loved her dress and spent the entire day in it! I had to offer her favorite jammies to her in order to get her out of the purple Sugarplum fairy poof tonight. On the other hand it took some convincing to get Keags in her dress. She actually likes the poof, but hates the sweater. As soon as we got home from church she wants it all off. I love that they are so different!

I could physically see the magic in the girls eyes as Santa came to visit us tonight! We are so lucky that Andi Cook has Santa's number and drives Santa around in her car! And we are blessed that he can fit us into his busy schedule! Santa is full of joy and the Christmas spirit and the girls just gobbled that right up! Keagan was thrilled to hug, kiss and sit on Santa's lap. Riley was happy to wave at Santa from a safe distance.

We also were lucky enough to meet Chippy the Elf on Friday night. Again Keagan is hands on, and Riley stayed in the car to wave. My Keags is catchin on a little two fast and was amazed that, as she said, there was "a girl inside of Chippy." Fourtunately that didn't deter her excitement about meeting the popular Elf on the Shelf.

Each year, as the girls get older, I enjoy the new memories we are making more and more! I love seeing them enjoy this time of year and am excited for the two more great days ahead to celebrate our Saviors birth and enjoy each other! Today I'm so grateful we have already had a very Merry Christmas!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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