Miss Riley got in trouble at school yesterday! This is so out of character that all her teachers couldn't wait to laugh and tell me when I picked her up!
She loves her time on the computer so when her turn was over she refused to get down! In protest she threw off Miss B's hand and threw the keyboard on the ground! After serving her very first time out she put herself back in time out and began to fake cry! When Miss B questioned her she laughed at her hilarious self! What a smarty pants!

This week Keagan had croup. Not fun! She started showing signs of the supper nasty cough on Friday night so I tapped into my doctor mom skills and treated her how I thought best. I put her on a steroid twice a day and a prescription cough medicine that we had in the medicine cabinet. When we went to see Dr Reed on Monday morning she was amazed that I had done exactly what she would have done! I reminded her this ain't my first rodeo! I also asked her how terrible of a mom I am that I secretly love the Rx cough medicine because it makes my independent energizer bunny mellow and cuddly!

We have a new obsession at our house! Elf on the Shelf!
Our elfs name is Elmer and he is admired and adored by both my 4 year olds! They are also very worried about what he is reporting to Santa about them each night. When I told Riley Elmer was going to tell Santa she went in time out, she started to cry! The best part of their morning is trying to find Elmer. He's keepin them on the nice list! So if he works then I don't really mind that he's a tiny bit creepy.

The Elf madness is spreading!

We seriously watch "The Elf Story" movie at least 73 times a day.

And our car has caught the virus as well!

Yes my car has elf ears and a hat on it!! Nana bought them for the girls and when I said I didn't want to put them on the car both girls started to cry. So momma gave in.
I secretly love it! But don't tell anyone that! Especially not the woman who almost ran me off the road today trying to ask where I got them. She said they were "beautiful!" Now that's a little much!
Today was my incredible dad's 69th birthday.
He spent it in heaven and I spent it missing him and wishing for one more hug and one more chat. Just like I do everyday. But I also spent it in a way he probably would have. With his grandkids whom he adores and attending a church meeting!

Happy Birthday Dad! I miss you!
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