When we left school Mister Kyle was in tears because he wanted Keagan and Matheson to come to his house immediately to play. Sweet boy! Two and a half weeks is such a long time to be separated when you are 4!

Miss Riley isn't done with school til Friday, but today was Polar Express Day at Brill! That meant she got to wear her jammies which created one seriously happy little girl! Happy about her glitter Christmas jammies but still never happy about taking a picture. It is serious work to get this girl to look at the camera. Thankfully it's no effort at all to get that smile though!

Tonight we drove around to look at all the great Christmas lights. I was remembering doing the same thing in Christmas pasts and realizing just how much the girls have grown and changed. Three years ago Keagan would just give ooooh's and aaaah's. And two years ago I repeatedly got "more! More! More!" Now she gives a full critique of the displays and is my GPS telling me where to go. Both of those years Riley spent barely noticing the lights. But now my smart girl knows exactly what to look for and which ones she really likes!
Tonight when we came around one corner, someone had a nativity set up out front just like we do and many others. Upon spotting it Keagan yelled out "Baby Jesus!" as loud as she could with serious excitement! After my initial startle, I laughed and was thankful that in her own way tonight Keagan was focusing on the true meaning of Christmas.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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