The 3 days there were full of excitement for sure. We had a total of 4 IVs! I despise doing just one! Pinning my baby down while they search for a vein and ultimately stab her and still search in her arm, is more then brutal! One of them Riley pulled out at 1am! That was fun. We had a visit from Nana, Kellie and my Keagan which was great! And Gama Linda not only followed us to the hospital in the ambulance the first night, but also came each night we were there. We also had visits from Brother Childs, Sister Turpin and Melissa and Amira Sauter. We are truly so blessed to have such a great support team!
We were also able to squeeze in all of Rileys cardiology tests so that we dont have to go to clinic in two weeks! We love TCH, but the less visits there the better! And finally, Riley absolutely fell in love with this riding police car on the 15th floor where we were. On our last day when she was unhooked from her many tubes, she stayed in it for 3 hours!
Kellie and Nana did such an awesome job filling in for me at home! But we were able to leave the hospital on Monday night! I was SO thankful to be home! Being with both my girls under one roof is so comforting! Not to mention sleeping in my own bed without beeping ringing in my head and people coming in all night!
But of course things can't always be so easy. I have been worried about Keagan, so today I took her to our pediatrician. Turns out she has Bronchial Pneumonia and a double ear infection! Poor girl! Dr Reed felt if her breathing gets any more labored then she would need to go to the hospital. Im sure we are going to be able to avoid that. But since all my back ups are either out of town (Nana, Sa and Kellie) or having surgery tomorrow (Gamas) I kinda freaked out a little from being overwhelmed. Now we are back on track and ready to help Keagan conquer this stupid thing and start to have a better summer! I'm just so thankful we are doing that at home!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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