Fathers Day isn't the easiest for me. I miss my dad every single day. So a day like today just adds extra reminders of what there is to miss. I too often think about how different my life would be if my sweet dad was still here with us. It's on days like today where we celebrated Kellie turning the big 1-3, that I can't help but think of him and how much he would love to be here for those times.
The emotions of missing him is still so real after all this time. But I also have such wonderful memories and consider myself to be extremely blessed. I have an incredible father! He lived for his family, worked very hard for us, supported me in everything I did, taught me so much, set a wonderful example of living the gospel and loved me unconditionally. I am so blessed to be his daughter!
Unfortunately, this holiday also reminds me of what my sweet girls are missing in their own lives and how I need to work extremely hard to do what I can to compensate for that. Today at church they handed out Sugar Daddy candies to all the fathers. I was so tempted to stand and receive my fathers day gift! I mean I do fill that roll for my girls. It's only fair that I should at least be thanked once a year for all those extra duties I do to the best of my ability. Right? But I refrained.
All these thoughts of how my own dad has effected me in so many ways has made my heart ache that my girls don't have the same kind of dad and that I can't always compensate for that. I am just so thankful that they do have such a wonderful Father in Heaven who loves them unconditionally and showers them with blessings from above. Now that is something to celebrate!
Happy Fathers day Dad!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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