
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Infinite Worth- Riley & Mia

Since Riley has been sick it has given me some extra time to do something I LOVE doing...just hold and stare at my baby! Marvel at the miracle she is. Admire her button nose, the bright light in her eyes, her gorgeous lips, and her darling dimples. Her expressions are priceless and I probably too often cover her face in kisses and squeeze her too tight.

Today when I was staring at her I thought of her infinite worth. She has a divine nature and a very special purpose here on this earth. Just like her sister. Her disabilities and challenges don't take any of that away. Not one bit.

Recently there has been public outcry over another special little girls plight named Mia. It seems a medical board has decided that Mia's life does not have as much value or worth then a "typical child". Mia is considered "mentally retarded" just like my Riley. But Mia is also in desperate need of a life saving Kidney transplant. One in which she may not get because a handful of doctors can not see her infinite worth, her divine nature.

I remember the night in December of 2008 like it was yesterday when a Resident at TCH stood in a small ER room at 3am and told me Riley would need a heart transplant. I also remember the worst doctor visit of my life, about a year later when a different doctor labeled Riley as "mentally retarded" and told me she would probably never qualify for a transplant because of it. Riley's heart is stable today. But, Mia could be Riley. And Riley could be Mia.

What don't these doctors see in these sweet children of God that would let them determine they are not worth it? I don't understand what kind of person can look into one of these special children's eyes and be ok with walking away, leaving them to die. I don't pretend that decisions on transplant recipients are easy. These doctors have unbelievable decisions to make that I know are difficult and anything but black and white. But I do know that these amazing little girls ARE WORTH IT! The quality of their lives isn't just measured in their own happiness and progress that they make. It can also be measured in the many lives that they touch and change forever! Their impact on this world is huge. And they would be greatly missed if unable to get the health care that they need!

If you read this then it is your call to action. PLEASE sign this petition in support if Mia and her incredible parents. And I would love to know you did!

You can also read her story here:


  1. I added my sig to the petition!

  2. I signed as you em. You're such an example of strength to me.

  3. wow...after I got your e-mail...I then found out about your blog! So I sat & read 2012 blogs and smiled and smiled told JiJi to go on an check out his grandbabies....and by the way YOU ARE AWESOME :)

  4. I signed! :D I hope they reach their signature goal and they can get her a transplant. What a sorry call in the first place! :( ugh. xoxo

  5. I signed! Hope they get enough signatures for this sweet little girl!

  6. I signed too. Let's pray this works.
    Amy McGlash
