We had a really great Relief Society (women's group at church) brunch this morning for our monthly activity. I was a part of the planning and preparation and I'm pleased it turned out so well. But it has really got me thinking. The focus was on how to make yourself a priority. The wonderful speaker gave such great information and advice. But I went away knowing I REALLY struggle with doing this and don't see any possibility of that changing much in the future.
Amidst her talking about scheduling time for ourselves as mothers, I thought of a good metaphor. I was reminded of the many plane trips that I have taken and of the oh so captivating safety instructions. Before it was shown on a screen, for those flight attendants, the worst part of acting out the warnings had to be putting on that oxygen mask. I'm claustrophobic just thinking about it. My favorite line is when they instruct anyone traveling with little ones to place the mask on themselves first. And then their helpless children.

That sounds fine and dandy in theory. Those genius people at the FAA must really think those masks will suddenly drop out of the ceiling and we will casually slip one on ourselves, then one on our kids. But do they really take into account what would play through a mommy's head in a situation where oxygen masks are actually needed? Every one of us would just want to save our children! I know with certainty that getting a mask on myself would come second, without a doubt.
Sometimes I feel like I'm living in a plane with low oxygen. I often feel that way. Most days the oxygen masks are hanging from the ceiling and I'm more then happy to get one on each of my girls and make sure they are happy, comfortable and safe in it before I even look around for my own mask. And by the time I actually find my mask, I'm way too exhausted at night to even worry if it is on right. I go to bed knowing tomorrow I will spend the entire day making sure Keagan and Riley get all the oxygen they need.
I am more then happy doing this, but it does go against everyone else's advice. I read and hear it all the time that a mom can't take good care of her children, until she takes good care of herself. But HOW do I do that?
Yes my body, my mind and my spirit could use the oxygen! Without question. I could benefit greatly from scheduling time in for myself, somewhere in my busy schedule. I just truly don't know where to begin or what that would even look like! I'm a single mom of one special needs child and her typical twin sister. My life is full of therapy and doctors visits, school schedules, home therapy, medications, health management, pretend play, tickles, book reading, snuggling, tantrums, time outs, dressing, feeding, cleaning, laundry, ECETRA, ECETRA, ECETRA!! So where do I fit in time to put on an oxygen mask? Even if I write "place oxygen mask on first" at the top of my to do list, it will probably be the last thing checked off for the day. Thats if it even is accomplished.
I guess at this stage in life I am going to just resign to try and get SOME oxygen, more often. I'm going to really commit to trying to schedule in some "me time" more frequently then I previously have. I will continue to make sure my girls have all the oxygen they need and want. And I will try to take more breaths from my own mask during the day. No this is not following the guidelines and all the advice. But for today it's the best I've got. So please tell the FAA, that will have to do.
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