We have really enjoyed this winter break and some down time! We have relaxed a lot and done some serious playing with all the girls Christmas gifts! The day after Christmas Keagan spent hours on a 726 piece Lego set and finished it all by herself! She is amazing! We had Campbell over to play one day and on another day Kari took all the girls to the movie Sing. We made a gigantic mess when we painted one day and Sa immensely multiplied Keags new supplies of rainbow loom with Addie's old stuff and we have gone rainbow loom crazy! We had such a fun night at Texas Cheer with all the Blacks and the Monsons. Keags and Rys played hard for hours and made new friends! Keagan also figured out how to set up all the mats so the kids could go sledding! The only sledding my girls have ever done! And I got a lot of stuff done while avoiding packing up all the Christmas decor because who wants to do that?
So basically we have had a really great week!
Tonight we topped off a great year with a fantastic New Years Eve party! We headed to the French's house for food, friends, festivities and fireworks! The Balkman's are visiting them from Oklahoma and we always have fun with them! Plus Sa and a Todd joined us. We had food and treats to feed 3 times who was at the party and then Miss Taryn had organized so many fun games! The candy bar game, poop the potato (my favorite), seran wrap ball, and the dice stack were great! We filled out and shared our year in review pages and then the adults played Mexican Train while the kids ran wild and had a ball! Finally we walked to the park near by to send up Chinese lanterns (that didn't go as planned) and do a whole bunch of fireworks! Our fireworks were fun including Riley doing a million Roman candles, but the best part was we were surrounded by serious firework doers in the neighborhood so we got the most incredible free shows! At midnight we had a silly string war and wrapped up the night with some fun on the playground. I really didn't think we would make it til midnight but we were all having way too much fun to barely notice what time it was!
Of course 2016 had its challenges and trials. But 2016 brought us so many beautiful blessings and wonderful memories so I am sad to see it go! But I am very excited to see the adventure that 2017 has in store! Most of all I'm thankful I get to do all of it with my two precious girls!

See ya 2016 and hello 2017!
Happy New Year!
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