I must admit to the three people that read my blog, plus my girls who I hope will cherish it one day, that I haven't rocked the Christmas Spirit the last two days...until tonight that is. I have tried my darnedest to still make a great Christmas Adam and Christmas Eve for my girls despite my moodiness. I think I mostly pulled it off. Hopefully all we remember in years to come is the wonderful memories we made and our time together celebrating this season!

Today was Christmas Eve and we struggled a little during the day but thank heavens we really got it together tonight! This morning we started out great with the last present of Sa's amazing 12 days of Christmas for the girls which were awesome slippers. But then the girls decided to make me a homemade Christmas gift which would have been so sweet if they hadn't been fighting non stop about it including hitting and crying! After that, the huge mess they made and me having to ask something 17 times before it gets a response, mommy kinda lost it. Not my finest Christmas Eve behavior. Thank heavens for Sa and Todd who came to the rescue to save the girls from mommy calling Santa! They took the girls while I went grocery shopping again but this time for Taryn who unfortunately has the flu! With a little time away we were all ready to party for Christmas Eve!
So as we call it in our family, Christmas Adam is usually a day that us 3 Kikuchi girls do something super fun together. This year we blew the fun out of the park by going grocery shopping in our jammies in the morning! Riley was rocking her princess Anna dress up so I was happy when we saw a 4 year old spider man at Kroger. To really bring the fun I let the girls do something they have been begging me to do. I let them pick whatever frozen dinner they wanted and eat it for lunch! Yep we really know how to party! Then we had lots of fun when we played board games including our new hilarious game "Speak Out." After dinner we did one of our favorite holiday activities which is look at lights and we found the most incredible street! Not our usual festivities but I think we still had a really fun Christmas Adam!

Today was Christmas Eve and we struggled a little during the day but thank heavens we really got it together tonight! This morning we started out great with the last present of Sa's amazing 12 days of Christmas for the girls which were awesome slippers. But then the girls decided to make me a homemade Christmas gift which would have been so sweet if they hadn't been fighting non stop about it including hitting and crying! After that, the huge mess they made and me having to ask something 17 times before it gets a response, mommy kinda lost it. Not my finest Christmas Eve behavior. Thank heavens for Sa and Todd who came to the rescue to save the girls from mommy calling Santa! They took the girls while I went grocery shopping again but this time for Taryn who unfortunately has the flu! With a little time away we were all ready to party for Christmas Eve!
Unfortunately our original plans for Christmas Eve with the Fosters and French's were at Taryn's house. But that darn flu! So change of plans and we went with the Fosters to Cheesecake Factory for a fun dinner! Who doesn't love Cheescake Factory and not having to cook or clean it up on Christmas Eve?! And then I really started to get the magic back! After a little more looking at lights and singing carols with my girls (see much better) it was time to get ready for Santa! Keagan and Riley know Santa likes a clean house so we vacuumed and cleaned before we put out the cookies and milk. Today Keagan decorated the cutest little tree for the big guy and set that by his cookies! We sprinkled our reindeer food and marveled over the fact that reindeer will be in our backyard tonight! My favorite quote was "mom maybe Roudoulph will do his business back there!" Keagan cracks me up! Then the thing that really did it for all of us was when Keagan read Luke 2 to Riley and I about our Saviors birth before bed. My heart was full blown bursting with the Christmas spirit that I had been looking for! Thanks heavens I finally got it together!
So now my heart is full and I am feeling so incredibly blessed! Presents are covering the bottom of the tree and beyond. Presents for the girls from me, their dad and Grandma Debbie. (I think we all are very thankful for Amazon this year!) And now Santa has come and added his gifts as well!
I am almost too excited to go to bed! How wonderful that Christmas is on a Sunday this year so we can do the fun but also do what is most important and celebrate the Savior of the world in such a wonderful way at church tomorrow! Now that I've got that Christmas Spirit totally back, I am ready!! Bring on Christmas!! 

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